A new monetary system: the only means of securing the respective ...
Plato's Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts
Russell E. Gmirkin
(Command) Edward J. Erickson-Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-Osprey Publishing ...
The Idealism Of Giovanni Gentile
Roger W. Holmes
Hankins, Frank; The Racial Basis Of Civilization
Ehrenreich, Eric; Nazi Ancestral Proof
Genetics; an introduction to the study of heredity
Wade, Nicholas; Troublesome Inheritance, A
Thompson, Walter Palmer; Heredity And Education
Spearman, Charles; Abilities of Man
Segerstrale, Ullica; Defenders of the Truth - The Sociobiology ...
Organic evolution
Evolution, the master-key; a discussion of the principle of ...
Heredity, disease and human evolution;
Pinker, Steven; The Blank Slate
Perkins, Adam; The Welfare Trait
Nature and nurture, the problem of the future, a presidential ...
MacDonald, Kevin; Evolutionary Strategies Of Ethnocentric Behavior ...
Lefkowitz, Mary; Not Out of Africa
Key, Wilhelimine E.; Heredity And Social Fitness
Galton, Francis; Human Faculty
Galton, Francis; Hereditary Genius; An Inquiry Into its Laws ...
English men of science : their nature and nurture
Dawkins, Richard; The Selfish Gene
Human biology and racial welfare;
Brand The g Factor - TOC
Alcock, John; The Triumph of Sociobiology
Whitehead, George; Mending Mankind; The Factors Of Racial Health
Whetham, W. C. D.; An Introduction To Eugenics
Library of Eugenics - Information Resource for Eugenics, Genetic ...
Thomson, J. Arthur; The Control Of Life
Stone, Dan; Breeding Superman - Nietzsche Race And Eugenics ...
The revolt against civilization; the menace of the under man
Probability, the foundation of eugenics;
Schuster, Edgar; Eugenics - A Science And An Ideal-compressed-[..]
Race or mongrel: a brief history of the rise and fall of the ...
The Progress of Eugenics
The Methods of Race-regeneration
Saleeby, Caleb; The Eugenic Prospect - National And Racial
Saleeby, Caleb; Parenthood and Race Culture - An Outline Of ...
Race decadence, an examination of the causes of racial degeneracy ...
Roper, A. G.; Ancient Eugenics
Robinson, William J.; Eugenics And Marriage
Rhodes, Frederick A.; The Next Generation
Ravenhill, Alice; Eugenics Education For Women And Girls
Popenoe, Paul; Applied Eugenics
Pollock, Horatio M.; Eugenics As A Factor In The Prevention ...
Pendell, Elmer; Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
Peile, J. H. F.; Eugenics And The Church
The groundwork of eugenics
Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics; the Cavendish lecture, ...
Evolution, genetics and eugenics
Nearing, Scott; The Super Race
McDougall, William; National Welfare - National Decay
Lyttleton, E.; Eugenics Ethics And Religion
Lynn, Richard; Eugenics, A Reassessment
Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
Jordan, David, Starr; The Heredity Of Richard Roe
Jordan, David Starr; Blood Of The Nation
Jones, Philip; Racial Hybridity
Race Suicide
Favored Races
Guyer, Michael F.; Being Well Born - An Introduction to Eugenics
Graham, Robert Klark; The Future Of Man
Heredity and eugenics
The task of social hygiene
Heredity in relation to eugenics
Davenport, Charles Benedict; Eugenics - The Science Of Human ...
Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism (Research in Biopolitics) ...
Taylor, Jared; Paved With Good Intentions - The Failure of Race ...
Sunic, Tomislav; The Beauty And The Beast
Sayers, James Denson; Can The White Race Survive.
Salter, Frank; On Genetic Interests - Family, Ethnicity, and ...
Roth, Byron M.; The Perils of Diversity
Putnam, Carleton; Race and Reason
Putnam, Carleton; Race and Reality - A Search for Solutions
Nuenke, Matt; Shattering the Myth of Racism, Volume II
Nuenke, Matt; Shattering the Myth of Racism, Volume I
Landry, Stuart Omer; Cult of Equality
Racial Contours (1965)
Race and Politics (1978)
Nyborg, Helmuth; Race and Sex Differences in Intelligence and ...
Lynn, Richard; The Global Bell Curve
Garrett, Henry E.; IQ and Racial Differences
Steele, Edgar J.; Defensive Racism
Stanko, Rudy; 100 Facts About Blacks and Whites
Pearson, Roger; Blood Groups and Race
Gregory, J. W.; Menace of Colour, The
The moral and intellectual diversity of races, with particular ...
The inequality of human races
Williams, O. R.; Segregation and Common Sense
Willcox, Walter F.; Negro Criminality
White supremacy and Negro subordination; or, Negroes a subordinate ...
The color line; a brief in behalf of the unborn
The Negro a menace to American civilization
America's greatest problem: the Negro
Racial integrity of the American Negro
The Negro and his needs